Manx Short Mat Bowls Association

Ann Hollingworth Triples 2010

Ann Hollingworth, Rita Woodworth & Pauline Kelly successfully defended their Triples title in style, beating Jayne Smith, Josh Ffrench & Stephen Gale 7-5 in the final.

The champions topped group A with 3 points after beating Ramsey trio Moira Anderson, Eric Maddocks & John Jauncey 11-8 and securing a draw against Peter Blower, Sylvia Maddrell & Brian Redman. The other game in group A was won by Jauncey’s team 10-9 to leave them in second place in the group.

Gale’s team finished top of group B with a 100% record after a 14-3 win against Collin, Clare & Chris Holland and an emphatic 19-3 victory over David Cottier, Seamus Whelan & Peter Coward, with Coward’s team finishing in second place in the group with a 9-8 win over the Holland’s.

The final was a tight game throughout, with the lead changing hands four times in the opening six ends. Both sets of players played excellently with Pauline Kelly playing superbly as skip and Josh Ffrench producing some great bowls for the eventual runners-up, and it was Kelly who bowled the decisive bowl on the final end to secure the victory for her team, ending up as deserved winners.

Next week sees action return to the Cherry Orchard League. Ramsey Rebels play Castletown Super Threes while Colby Cosmos are up against Laxey Minors and Ballaugh meet Ronaldsway Blockbusters.